
Postcard from Jean from the Czech Republic

By June 26, 2017 No Comments

If you are a Generator member, then you have met Jean Cherouny.  Jean is Generator’s Member Meeting Coordinator and is always around to give a helping hand. Her absence has been noticed and we are thrilled to get an update on her adventures from afar.

Over the past five years, I have attended  yearly residencies at Studio Bubec in Prague, and recently have been appointed as the Ambassador for a Residency Exchange Program with Studio Bubec

-Jean Cherouny

Two Czech artists, Jeweler, sculptor, a maker, an international curator, two international scholars artists AND Me(Jean)😄

Bubec curator interviewed about the show “Banquet.”

Jean is known for being quite the advocate for collaborations! It is only fitting that she has had the chance to work with and be surrounded by other creatives to create this thought-provoking piece. It is composed of two placemats, 3D printed napkin holders and cut mirror plates.
I brought threads from “Stitch and Bitch” sessions with Lucy Lieth and 3D napkin holders to paint for a themed show Entitled “Banquet.”  Eating is delightful together. What emerged were two multimedia place settings reflecting on the power of reciprocal relationship building.  We have listened and eaten here at Bubec building creative community.
-Jean Cherouny
Jean is already scheming about how to bring this creative energy and mingling to Generator.  We can’t wait for her return and for more story telling.