
Opportunity for Generator Members to get in the spotlight!

By January 6, 2016 No Comments
The YWP Generator Project
Young Writers Project, a Burlington-based nonprofit that helps thousands of youths each year improve their writing and digital media skills, is guiding a group of youths who want to put together digital stoires about The Generator and its members. YWP Director Geoffrey Gevalt and Publications Coordinator Susan Reid, both former journalists, will be guiding the group to producing various types of stories ranging from digital photo stories — photos and sound — to full written stories with photos or digital stories with images, sound, words and even video. The youths are extremely motivated and talented and were treated to a wonderful tour by Jeme last Saturday so they have a keen interest in getting to know more about all the work that is done at The Generator.Geoff and Susan will be arranging visits to The Generator during mostly Saturdays in January, February and March and would love to set up interviews with individual Generator members at each visit. If you are interested in being interviewed, please contact Geoff and/or Susan of the YWP and tell them what you do and how to contact you — email and phone would be great. They will be in touch. Their contact info: ggevalt@youngwritersproject.org or 802-324-9537 and [email protected] or 802-324-9539.

The group’s next visit is Jan. 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  They also will be at the Third Thursday session on January 21.

All finished stories will be posted in youngwritersproject.org and many will also be published in YWP’s media partners (on a platform specific basis) and will be available for The Generator and individual members to republish or link to.