Maker In ResidenceMember MadeNews

Maker in Residence: Colin Gaunt

By July 16, 2019 No Comments

Meet our current Maker in Residence: Colin Gaunt.

Colin Gaunt Sipping Safe Maker in Residence

Colin is a recent Saint Michael’s College grad developing an affordable, portable device using ultra-efficient LED technology to disinfect water on an individual or family-sized scale.

From Saint Michael’s:

“Gaunt said the market niche he is trying to fill with the Sipping Safe is ‘a family unit essentially,’ explaining, ‘there already are products that can give water to 1,000 people really well or to one person fairly well, but there isn’t a product that can give water to a family of 6 to 12 without a plumbing network of some kind.’ His device would not need to be pressurized like many existing devices, which is another big advantage. ‘I’m thinking of any developing nation or city that doesn’t have access to a steady plumbing system,’ he said.”

Colin Gaunt Maker in Residence Sipping Safe

Colin is also a Jump Start Collegiate cohort member, so he’s been spending a lot of time here making his first prototype using the Prusa 3D printer and Epilog laser cutter. Next step? Make the thing! 

Follow along on Instagram to see Colin’s progress.