Member Made

Member Made: Joe’s Cutting Board & Spoons

By December 20, 2020 No Comments

The holidays always a busy time in the wood shop and this year was no exception.

Volunteer Member Joe Pasteris completed a wood shop training, laser training, and took a spoon carving class this year. So when the holidays approached, he was fully prepared to make some beautiful handmade gifts.

Words from Joe:

The two cooking spoons are cherry and the baby spoon is maple (for my 1-year-old niece), axed out and cut all by hand. The spoons on the left weren’t quite finished when I snapped the photo–they still needed a few finishing cuts and some mineral oil/beeswax.

Who knew that when I took a spoon-carving class at the Generator back in February with Rob Palmer that I’d be learning the perfect quarantine activity. All you need are an axe, knives, green wood and lots of time to yourself.

The cutting board is maple, cherry and walnut. I was recently trained on the laser cutter so I used that to add a quick and simple personal touch to the back of the board. And to make a couple quick ornaments.


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