We were surprised and humbled to get a nice shout out from Seven Days’ Eva Sollberger during another Stuck in Vermont video.
Eva talked to a number of Vermont’s essential workers this week including Kristin Baker, a Nurse Manager in UVM Medical Center’s Emergency Department.
“I did a story on Generator, who made these face shields…” Eva says, “I don’t know if you’ve come into contact with them. Have you seen them out?”
“Yes, we just got them!” Kristin replies. “So these new ones that came in… they wipe down every single aspect. It’s a much more sturdy shield. And so far the staff love it. I think it’s also really cool that is was made locally. There’s also that sense of Vermont pride.”
This is just a teeny part of a longer video capturing the bravery and strength of our frontline workers. Please give it a watch and heed their advice. Thank you for capturing these important stories, Eva!