Generator, Burlington’s makerspace, launches BIPOC Scholarship
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 24, 2021
Contact: Christine Hill, Communications Manager
BURLINGTON, Vermont: Generator, Burlington’s makerspace, has launched a BIPOC Scholarship to support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color working in the sciences, tech, education, and arts.
“Systemic racism and discriminatory policies have resulted in BIPOC facing greater obstacles to advancing in the arts, tech, STEM fields, and in pursuing entrepreneurship,” said Executive Director Meg Hammond, “Generator recognizes its responsibility to change this. The BIPOC Scholarship is just one way Generator can help bring more racial parity to who is inventing, designing, making art, and launching businesses in Vermont.”
Generator is a non-profit makerspace located in Burlington’s South End. The 12,500 square foot shared design and fabrication environment is dedicated to supporting the creative, education and production needs of its members. It offers members access to specialty studios including a wood shop, metal shop, jewelry studio, laser cutters, 3D printers, and other shared tool-sets. The organization also runs art, STEM education, and entrepreneurship-focused programming. Its vibrant, solutions-oriented community includes engineers, artists, craftspeople, entrepreneurs, and creatives.
Scholarship rewards include two full-year memberships and six half-year memberships to the makerspace. The memberships come with an additional $300 stipend to cover tool trainings at Generator. There are also scholarships available for taking Generator’s tool trainings and classes.
Scholarship applications are due by April 7th. A selection committee includes Vera Longtoe Sheehan, Director of thee Vermont Abenaki Artist Association; Joe Williams, Managing Director of Champlain College’s Leahy Center for Digital Forensics & Cybersecurity; Elliott Katz, Operations & Facilities Director at Generator; and Meg Hammond, Executive Director at Generator.
The committee plans to reward scholarships in early May.
Those interested in applying for Generator’s BIPOC Scholarship can do so here.
Those who wish to contribute to Generator’s BIPOC Scholarship Fund can do so here.