Member Gallery

Generator’s Member Gallery Program is an opportunity for our members to display their work in one of seven different galleries throughout our facility. Our hope is that highlighting each other’s work will help us get to know one another a little better, provide a little inspiration, and give visitors a little taste of what make this space so special!

If you heard gallery and are currently picturing a bunch of canvases hanging on a wall… Please stop! In our gallery anything goes!

If it can be hung on a wall we want to show it off, so please don’t let traditional ideas of what a gallery looks like keep you from participating in this opportunity.

It’s also important to understand that Generator’s Member Gallery is NOT a judged or curated show. This is a member-run program—Thanks Kristin!— and the work displayed will be chosen at random through a completely transparent process. We aren’t here to tell you what to like or how to appreciate something. What we are trying to do is give everyone an equal chance to show off their work.

Our next gallery display period will be from September to March, and we are currently accepting applications from Generator members.

The deadline for submissions is end of day on Monday, August 19th. 

We can’t wait to see everyone’s work!  

If you have questions about this program that aren’t answered in the FAQ below,
or want help with your application, contact Kristin from Compliment Coins at [email protected].
Please be nice! Kristin is volunteering her time to help make this happen, and we are all learning! 


How do we know the chosen members are selected fairly? 

Once the application deadline has passed the members selected will be chosen at random. The spirit of this project is not to judge the work of our members. It is to showcase all of our talents, hard work and to inspire each other.

How long will my work be displayed for?

This new initiative will be two 6 month periods a year. This first one will be September to March followed by March to September. To allow for the next cohort to hang their work everything will be removed the second to last week of February so the next work can be hung up by March 1st.

I don’t have enough time to prepare my work for this. What should I do?

Consider applying for the next cohort. We plan for this be a recurring opportunity. We will learn a lot from this first attempt and adjust as necessary. The application window for the next one will be longer so there is more time after acceptance to plan and prep work for the space.

What should I do if I am unable to hang my work the week of August 26-30?

Generator staff will be available for select periods of time the week of the 26th to help hang work. If you are able to independently hang your work we can be flexible as to when you hang it.

Why does the application ask me to pick 3 galleries?

The galleries vary greatly in size and shape so they are not all equally suitable for people’s work. We want you to pick your top 3 choices to ensure your work work can be accommodated.

How far off the wall can my work go?

This will depend on the gallery you are selected for. Gallery 7 by the couches could accommodate space off the wall while galleries 5 and 6 in the ramp hallway could not. If you expect to need a lot of space off the wall please apply and we will verify your work is suitable for the galleries before we do the drawing.

What if my work is damaged or stolen?

We certainly hope this doesn’t happen, but per Generator’s policy, we are not responsible for any damaged or stolen work.

Additional Considerations?

Work must be child appropriate. We have many kids and young campers pass through the building on a regular basis. The final decision on what is, or is not, child appropriate will be up to the discretion of Generator staff.