Things are moving along nicely in this final stretch before our grand opening on Saturday, March 29th from 4 – 8pm! In order to prepare for the launch, Generator is hosting a volunteer work day this Saturday, March 22nd during two time slots. We will follow this with two smaller work sessions the next week, along with some ‘day before’ decorating followed by some ‘day of’ set up on Saturday, March 29th. See the schedule below and email [email protected] with your availability, if you are interested.
Lunch and/or snacks will be provided and all volunteer hours will be logged as trade for membership hours! We appreciate your time, thanks!
- Volunteer Build Out Day this Saturday, March 22nd – From 10am – 4pm during two four hour, overlapping work sessions:
- 10am – 2pm
- Noon – 4pm
- Volunteer Build Out Day on Monday, March 24th from 10am – 2pm
- 10am – Noon
- Noon – 2pm
- Volunteer Build Out Day on Tuesday, March 25th from 4pm – 8pm
- 4pm – 6pm
- 6pm – 8pm
- ‘Day Before’ Decorating Session on Friday, March 28th from 10am – 2pm
- 10am – Noon
- Noon – 2pm
- ‘Day Of’ Set Up Session on Saturday, March 29th from 10am – 2pm
- 10am – Noon
- Noon – 2pm
If you can’t make a full four hour session, two hour shifts are always welcome! Please email us with the time slots that you are available. We will let you know if your selection is full. If you are interested in being a team leader, have a specific skill set, or would like to be an on call runner during the week, please reply with that information.
As always, dress appropriately, in order to make a bit of a mess. Find directions to Generator on our FAQ page.
We appreciate your enthusiasm and support, thanks for everything and see you soon!