
FYI Fall 2016 UVM courses: Food Waste & Organics Diversion fr Landfills; Biomass to Biofuels

By April 11, 2016 No Comments

Check out two courses at UVM coming up in Fall 2016 that support hands-on projects with community partners and optional internships:


* Get involved with Food Waste/Organics diversion from Landfills – join the course “Universal recycling Law Act 148 Community connections”   see below

* Get involved with Fossil Fuel Reduction – join the course Biomass to Biofuels – Bioenergy & Byproducts  see below.



Course: UNIVERSAL RECYCLING LAWVT Act 148 Community Connections

(Fall 2016 CDAE 195 / 295 D, 3 credit, SL, Fridays, Noon to 3:00 pm)

Check course website: http://go.uvm.edu/7y1rr


The State of Vermont, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts both implemented law/regulations in 2014 to promote food recovery and decrease disposal of food scraps in landfills, and the State of California recently started similar implementation in 2016.   =>     According to estimates, in 2014, 18,600 tons of industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) food scraps and 41,500 tons of residential food scraps was generated only in Vermont, and to support organics processing infrastructure alone $20 million will be needed over the nine years; additional $17 million will be needed for trucks and carts to collect both recyclables and organics. For diversion of organics, energy generation and composting solutions are some of the pathways for efficient management of diverted organics.  =>     Nutrient management area has its own challenges for example, dairy farm manure, which is a source of nutrients runoff affecting health of natural water bodies from excess nitrogen and phosphorus. Additional regulations would require sustainable solutions.

=>     Are we prepared for taking care of the organic waste we constantly generate responsibly? Join this course to explore the implications, effects of this law through hands-on projects and optional internships with community partners.


This hands on course:

  • EXPLORES the community connection for creation of energy & valued products from recycling of food waste and other organic materials as applications of the new act, such as, addition of food residuals to existing anaerobic digester systems to produce biogas and electricity, capture of nutrients.
  • PROVIDES experiential learning experience and covers community based solutions from Universal Recycling of Organics related science & technology topics, background & literature information besides addressing the environmental, economic, social, and other related topics.
  • DRAWS on the expertise of professionals’ engaged with this topic.
  • SUPPORTS Internships, Service Learning & Networking Opportunities.

MORE AT: http://go.uvm.edu/7y1rr


BIOMASS to BIOFUELS – Bioenergy & Byproducts

(Fall 2016, ENSC 295, 4 credit, SL, Wednesdays, Noon to 3:00 pm, travel time extra) Check course website: http://go.uvm.edu/7y1rr

Resilient bioenergy industry can be built on sustainable and diverse sources of energy and you are invited through this course to examine, have hands-on projects with community partners engaged in biomass to biofuels, and learn about all possible bioenergy topics including:

  • SOLID BIOFUELS (wood & grass energy, pelletization),
  • BIOGAS & BIO-ELECTRICITY (the farm-based energy);
  • LIQUID BIOFUELS (seed-based biodiesel; bioethanol; conversion of waste oil to biodiesel; advanced biofuels including algae-biofuel & microbial biofuel);
  • OTHER wide-range of Biofuels related science & technology topics, background & literature

=> This course is designed to provide experience in all possible Bio-Renewable Energy areas to prepare the participants of diverse backgrounds for jobs in BioEnergy/Biofuels industry, or higher education in the field, and related experiential and entrepreneurial experience in biomass/biofuels areas.

For more details check course website: http://go.uvm.edu/7y1rr