Courtney Reckord (Mar/Apr) is a middle school art teacher with deep interests in technology integration. Courney was interested in finding new ways to apply topographical mapping to casting processes through 3D printing to be used in her jewelry designs. With a proof of concept now in hand, she is pushing this new approach to jewelry design into space (celestial topographies that is!).
I reached out to Generator for the equipment to create 3d printed items, but more importantly the dedicated time in order to focus on my project. I spent a lot of time during my residency learning how to use Rhino, a 3 D modeling program, and then printing and revising my prototypes.I learned that I can teach myself a lot! I also was a little nervous going into the residency and doing a presentation for the members, but I realized that everyone was nothing but supportive and helpful. One specific challenge I faced during my residency was that learning how to do 3d modeling was very difficult, and since I was modeling using real data that was very complex, it was not something I could just look up the answer to. The problem solving was very intense, and there were many times when I was about to give up. However, if I made a slight bit of progress, I could continue. It is helpful having the Generator community there to support you through crucial moments.