
Learn About New Products And Businesses Launching Soon

By October 30, 2017 No Comments

IPD Masterclass Presentations

November 1st 6pm-8pm

at Generator

Gather at Generator to find out what brand new businesses are launching out of Jerry Manock’s IPD Masterclass. Filling Generator with a mixture of skill sets and personalities is what makes Generator a creative mixing pot and is crucial to shaping our culture. People that are launching and growing their business gravitate to Generator for the think tank community. Generator is currently running a IPD Masterclass taught by Jerry Manock that address the steps needed to successfully launch a new product into the real marketplace.


IPD Masterclass

IPD Masterclass

Some of the students presenting include…

Lindsay Selin, Generator member and photographer, is partnering up to launch a new energy-saving-product. Her mechanism attaches to the common refrigerator and takes data to inform the user how to optimize and lower energy consumption.

Jean Cherouny, Generator member and educator, is launching her own laser cut jewelry line.

Jake Blend, Generator member and recent world records breaker for largest spirograph, is creating unique ways for visualising data. An example is his like lake champlain layered laser cut depth sculpture.